FalkenOhr 317


FalkenOhr 317


A distinctive and striking look with high-end technology make the 317 series an outstanding hifi rack.

Austrian craftsmanship from the Salzkammergut region

Our materials and components come to us from regional specialists with short shipping routes to the FalkenOhr workshop in Vorchdorf. Most of our hardware elements are manufactured in Austria. Each FalkenOhr rack is painstakingly crafted and assembled by hand in Austria’s world-famous Salzkammergut region.

Perfect sound without micro-vibrations

Micro-vibrations excited by the electronics and electromagnetic interference between different devices are dissipated rapidly and targeted by our 3D/1O-Technology. This leads to a perfect decoupling of the devices from each other and results in highly dynamic, precise sound.

Sound adjusting by damping

If stone floors, certain audio components or living room conditions create an analytical sound that is too harsh, the sound characteristics can be adjusted to your listening preferences – and living room conditions – by changing the damping of the spike shoes.

Ideal storage space for hi-fi accessories

The drawer opens with a gentle tap and closes quietly and effortlessly. It is decoupled from the core structure.

FalkenOhr 317 Product Sheet

Contact me directly for more information or to schedule an audition.

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