Van Den Hul Colibri MASTER Stradivarius Signature
Van Den Hul Colibri MASTER Stradivarius Signature
Van Den Hul Colibri MASTER Stradivarius Signature
Body Materials - Stradivarius lacquered KOA, Polycarbonate and African Blackwood bodies optional.
Cantilever Material - Boron
Diamond Stylus - VDH profile, extended long life
Output voltage: (Low) 0.5 mV and (High) 1.1 mV
Recommended vertical tracking force: 1.35g - 1.5 g
Recommended effective tonearm mass: 10g - 16 g
Optimal loading: 50 ohms - 600 ohms
Internal coil impedance: 13 ohms
Anti-Skating force 0.3g - 0.5g
Weight - 7g - 8g est.